Timing of the seminar is such that those wishing to participate in the both the seminar and District Rose Show may do so without sacrificing either event because of scheduling conflicts.
Presentations include:
"Roses Even A Truck Driver Can Grow," by Dr. Steve George, Director, Texas Agricultural Extension Service and head of Texas A&M's EarthKind Rose Research Project
"Maximizing Our Resources - A Look at Mulches & Compost," by Malcolm Beck, author, The Texas Bug Book
"Roses in the Landscape - A Primer on Garden Design," by Michael Shoup, author, Roses for the Southern Garden
"Plant Pathogens - Recognizing & Treating Disease," by Dr. George Philley, author of many papers on the study of blackspot and other fungal diseases affecting roses
"Developing a Maintenance Program That is Right for You," Robert W. Martin, author, The Rose Exhibitors' Forum
"Garden Chemicals - Knowing When and How to Use Them," by Travis Klosterboer, Aventis, E.S.
"Roses for the South - Modern Roses for Southern Climates," speaker to be announced
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